


1110 Scranton Carbondale Hwy.
Scranton, PA 18508


Mon–Sat, 9am to 5pm
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Passive house designs offer a sustainable solution for those searching for energy-efficient homes. At the heart of these designs lie features that minimize ecological footprints while maximizing comfort and lowering energy costs.

Passive houses represent a rigorous standard for energy efficiency, drastically reducing the energy needed for heating and cooling the home. This not only leads to significant savings in utility bills but also contributes to a healthier planet by reducing carbon emissions.

Benefits of Passive House Designs:

  • Energy Efficiency: Drastically reduces the need for heating and cooling.
  • Comfort: Maintains a consistent indoor temperature and humidity level.
  • Sustainability: Uses sustainable materials and building practices.
  • Health: Provides superior air quality with controlled ventilation systems.

Detailed infographic showing the key features of passive house designs, including thermal insulation, airtight construction, high-performance windows, and controlled ventilation systems, as well as the benefits like energy savings and improved indoor air quality - passive house designs infographic pillar-4-steps

By investing in a passive house, families and individuals in the PA, NY, NJ area not only secure a comfortable living environment but also contribute to a sustainable future, aligning perfectly with their values and long-term goals. Shorten Homes is devoted to transforming these cutting-edge concepts into your dream home, ensuring it’s tailored perfectly to your preferences with unwavering quality and exceptional service.

Understanding Passive House Designs

What is a Passive House?

A Passive House is a building standard that is ultra-energy-efficient, allowing for minimal energy used for heating and cooling. This standard, while voluntary, aims to drastically reduce the ecological footprint of buildings. It’s not just a set of rules but a design philosophy that integrates seamlessly with architectural practices, ensuring that buildings are both eco-friendly and cost-effective.

Core Elements of Passive House Design


One of the hallmarks of passive house designs is superinsulation. This involves using high-performance materials that significantly reduce heat transfer. This means the building stays warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer without relying heavily on heating or cooling systems.


Creating an airtight building envelope is crucial in passive house construction. This minimizes the amount of warm or cool air that can escape the building, thus reducing the energy required to maintain comfortable indoor temperatures. Airtightness is achieved through careful construction and high-quality building materials.


Windows in passive houses are more than just glass panes; they are highly engineered components that play a key role in the home’s energy efficiency. Utilizing double or triple-paned windows, these are designed to offer excellent thermal insulation and to maximize natural light while minimizing unwanted heat gain or loss.


Proper ventilation is essential in tightly sealed homes to maintain high indoor air quality. Passive houses use energy recovery ventilation systems (ERVs) that precondition incoming fresh air using the energy contained in the outgoing stale air. This system ensures fresh air throughout the home without losing heat or coolness.

Solar Control

Controlling solar gain is critical in passive house design. Strategic placement and sizing of windows, along with external shading devices, allow passive houses to utilize the sun’s energy for heating when needed and minimize overheating during warmer months.

Energy Efficiency and Comfort

The combination of these core elements leads to a remarkable level of energy efficiency. Passive houses typically use up to 90% less energy for heating and cooling compared to standard buildings. This efficiency translates directly into comfort. Stable indoor temperatures and continuous fresh air, free from drafts and cold spots, make living in a passive house exceptionally comfortable.

Global Relevance

The passive house standard is globally recognized and can be applied in any climate. It has proven successful in a variety of environments, from the heat of Spain to the cold of Scandinavia, demonstrating its versatility and effectiveness in reducing building energy use worldwide.

By focusing on these core principles and design strategies, Shorten Homes ensures that every passive house they build is not only energy-efficient but also a comfortable and sustainable home for its residents. With their commitment to quality and customer satisfaction, Shorten Homes integrates these advanced building techniques to meet the unique needs and preferences of homeowners in the PA, NY, NJ area, making each passive house they construct a model of modern, sustainable living.

Planning Your Passive House

When planning your passive house, the key components to consider are site selection, orientation, and local climate. These factors are crucial for maximizing energy efficiency and comfort in your home.

Site Selection

Choosing the right site is the first step in planning your passive house. It’s important to select a location that supports the energy-saving goals of passive house designs. Here’s what you should look for:

  • South-facing sites are ideal in the Northern Hemisphere to take advantage of solar gains.
  • Avoid sites with excessive shading from trees or neighboring buildings to ensure your home can utilize natural light.
  • Consider local wind patterns and topography to protect your home from potential cold winds and to utilize natural ventilation.


The orientation of your passive house plays a pivotal role in its energy efficiency. Proper orientation can reduce heating and cooling demands significantly. Here are some tips:

  • Maximize south-facing windows to absorb heat during the winter months.
  • Limit window size on the east and west facades to reduce unwanted heat gain and glare.
  • Design overhangs or use shading devices to block summer sun while allowing winter sun to warm the house.

Local Climate

Understanding your local climate is essential for designing a passive house that performs optimally. Factors like temperature, humidity, and solar insolation should influence the design decisions:

  • Use climate data to determine insulation levels and window specifications.
  • Consider moisture control strategies to handle local humidity levels and prevent mold growth.

The Best Shape for a Passive House

Simple geometric shapes like cuboids are preferred in passive house design due to their efficiency:

  • Simple shapes (like rectangles) have a lower surface-to-volume (S/V) ratio, which minimizes heat loss.
  • Compact forms are easier to air seal and insulate effectively.

Integrating Renewable Energy Solutions

Renewable energy technologies can greatly enhance the performance of passive houses. Consider these options:

  • Solar panels: A well-designed solar PV system can generate most, if not all, of the electricity a passive house needs.
  • Heat pumps: These are effective for meeting low heating and cooling demands in a highly insulated and airtight home.
  • Energy recovery ventilators (ERVs): These systems recover heat from exhaust air and use it to warm incoming fresh air, reducing heating demands.

By carefully planning and integrating these elements, Shorten Homes ensures that each passive house design not only meets the rigorous standards of energy efficiency but also aligns with the homeowner’s vision and the characteristics of the local environment. This thoughtful approach leads seamlessly into the detailed customization and construction phases, ensuring every passive house is a beacon of sustainability and comfort.

Designing for Cost and Efficiency

Is Passive House Design Expensive?

When considering a passive house design, one of the first questions that might come to mind is about the cost. It’s a common misconception that building a passive house requires a significantly higher upfront investment compared to traditional homes. However, the reality is more nuanced.

Cost Factors:
Materials: Passive houses require high-quality, often specially designed materials such as triple-paned windows and superior insulation. These materials can be more expensive than those used in standard construction.
Techniques: The construction techniques for a passive house, such as ensuring airtightness and installing advanced HVAC systems, may require skilled labor and detailed planning, which can add to the cost.

Scale Efficiencies: For larger projects, the cost per square meter can decrease due to scale efficiencies. This makes passive housing an attractive option for developments such as multi-family homes or residential complexes.

Phius Standard: Adhering to the Phius standard can help in managing costs effectively. This standard uses climate-specific data to optimize the design, ensuring that you invest in features that provide the most benefit for your specific location.

Budgeting for a Passive House

While the initial costs can be higher, the long-term savings and return on investment (ROI) make passive houses financially appealing.

Initial Costs: These include the expense of high-performance materials, skilled labor, and possibly, the cost of learning new construction techniques. However, through companies like Shorten Homes, which utilize efficient modular construction methods and superior walls, these costs are well-managed and often offset by the speed and precision of construction.

Long-term Benefits:
Energy Savings: Passive houses consume up to 90% less heating and cooling energy than traditional homes. This drastic reduction in energy use translates to significant savings on utility bills.
Maintenance Savings: The high-quality components of passive houses are durable and require less maintenance over time compared to standard construction materials.

ROI: Investing in a passive house typically offers a solid return through energy savings, increased property value, and potential tax incentives for energy-efficient homes. Moreover, the comfort and health benefits contribute to an improved living environment, which is hard to quantify but highly valuable.

In conclusion, while the upfront cost of a passive house might be higher, the efficiency, durability, and long-term savings make it a wise investment. Shorten Homes provides tailored solutions that balance initial costs with long-term benefits, ensuring that each home is a model of sustainability and cost-efficiency. This strategic approach to building not only supports your financial goals but also aligns with broader environmental objectives, leading us into the next section on custom passive house solutions offered by Shorten Homes.

Passive House Designs by Shorten Homes

At Shorten Homes, we understand that every homeowner has unique needs and visions for their dream home. This is why we specialize in custom solutions for passive house designs. Our approach combines innovation, expertise, and a deep commitment to sustainability to create homes that are not only energy-efficient but also personalized to each client’s preferences.

Custom Solutions

Every passive house we design is tailored to the specific needs and lifestyle of our clients. Whether you’re looking for a compact home that maximizes space or a larger family residence, our team works closely with you to incorporate your ideas into the design. We consider factors like local climate, site orientation, and your personal aesthetic to ensure that your home is both functional and beautiful. Our design process is interactive and client-focused, making sure that every detail, from window placement to material selection, is aligned with your vision and passive house standards.

Superior Walls®

A key feature of our passive house designs is the use of Superior Walls®. These pre-cast foundation systems are renowned for their high quality and durability. Each wall is engineered in a controlled environment to ensure it meets strict standards. Superior Walls® are not only energy-efficient but also provide excellent moisture control and thermal insulation, which are critical in passive house construction. They are installed on-site in less than one day, significantly reducing construction time and helping keep your project on schedule.

10-year Warranty

We stand behind the quality and durability of our passive house designs with a 10-year warranty. This warranty covers any major structural defects, giving you peace of mind knowing that your investment is protected. Our commitment to excellence ensures that each home we build is capable of withstanding the test of time, providing comfort, safety, and energy efficiency year after year.

At Shorten Homes, our goal is to make the dream of owning a passive house a reality for more people. By offering custom solutions, integrating innovative building technologies like Superior Walls®, and providing a robust warranty, we ensure that each home is built to the highest standards of quality and sustainability.

By choosing Shorten Homes for your passive house project, you’re not just building a house; you’re investing in a future of comfort, sustainability, and energy efficiency. Our team is ready to guide you through every step of the process, from initial design to final construction, ensuring that your new home is everything you’ve envisioned and more.

Frequently Asked Questions about Passive House Designs

What are the disadvantages of a passive house?

One common concern with passive house designs is the reliance on mechanical ventilation. While these systems ensure excellent air quality and energy efficiency, they require regular maintenance to perform optimally. Homeowners must replace filters and service systems to avoid issues like poor air quality or system failures.

Despite their many benefits, passive houses can sometimes demand more upfront maintenance compared to standard homes. This includes the meticulous sealing of the building envelope and the careful calibration of HVAC systems. However, this initial effort pays off with reduced energy costs and a more comfortable living environment in the long run.

How does the local climate affect passive house design?

Insolation and Window Sizing
The local climate plays a crucial role in the design of a passive house. For instance, in areas with high insolation, careful planning is needed to prevent overheating. This involves strategic window sizing and placement to optimize solar gains in winter while minimizing them in summer.

The orientation of the house also significantly impacts its energy performance. Ideally, the main windows should face towards the equator to maximize solar gain, which reduces heating demands during colder months. Proper orientation combined with landscape design, like using deciduous trees for shading, can enhance comfort and efficiency.

Can passive houses look like traditional homes?

Architectural Flexibility
A common misconception is that passive houses must have a modern or boxy appearance. However, passive house principles can be applied to various architectural styles, including traditional designs. By using appropriate materials and construction techniques, it’s entirely possible to achieve the passive house standard without compromising on aesthetic preferences.

Style Integration
Integrating traditional architectural styles with passive house requirements involves careful planning but is entirely feasible. For example, features like pitched roofs and ornate details can be incorporated with advanced insulation and airtight construction techniques. The use of modern triple-glazed windows can also be styled to mimic traditional designs, ensuring that the house not only meets energy efficiency standards but also aligns with personal style preferences.

By addressing these common questions, Shorten Homes ensures that clients understand both the immense benefits and the manageable challenges of passive house designs. Our commitment to flexibility in design and rigorous standards of construction allows for the creation of homes that are both energy-efficient and aesthetically pleasing, tailored to the unique climates and personal tastes of our clients.


As we wrap up our exploration of passive house designs, it’s clear that the principles of sustainability are not just trends but are fundamental shifts in how we approach building homes. At Shorten Homes, our commitment to these principles is at the core of every project we undertake. We not only aim to meet current standards but are constantly looking ahead to the future of homebuilding.

Sustainability: More Than Just a Buzzword

For us, sustainability is woven into the fabric of our business model. It’s about more than just using energy-efficient materials or adding solar panels. It’s about creating homes that last longer, reduce waste, and enhance the quality of life for their occupants. Our use of Superior Walls®, for example, exemplifies our dedication to durable, high-performance foundations that set the stage for a truly sustainable home.

Shorten Homes: A Leader in Custom Passive Homes

At Shorten Homes, we pride ourselves on being more than just homebuilders; we are pioneers in the field of custom modular homes designed for both efficiency and elegance. Our approach is holistic, ensuring that every aspect of a home, from its foundation to its finishing touches, is crafted with precision and foresight. With a 10-year warranty on our homes, we stand firmly behind the quality and sustainability of our constructions. Discover more about our standards and values on our service page.

Future Trends: Adapting and Innovating

Looking forward, the trend in passive house designs is set to focus increasingly on integrating smart technologies and further improving the recyclability of building materials. These advancements will enhance the already considerable benefits of passive homes, making them even more attractive to environmentally conscious consumers. As these technologies evolve, so too will our methods, ensuring that Shorten Homes remains at the cutting edge of sustainable home construction.

In conclusion, the journey towards sustainable living is ongoing, and at Shorten Homes, we are excited to be a part of this transformative movement. By continuing to embrace and refine passive house designs, we are not just building homes; we are shaping the future of housing—one sustainable home at a time.