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Scranton, PA 18508


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Quick Answer: What is a Custom Modular Home?
– Custom Modular Home: A home built in sections (modules) in a factory setting, under controlled conditions.
– Prefabricated: Yes. The sections are then transported to the site and assembled.
– Modular vs. Stick-Built: Unlike traditional (stick-built) homes built piece by piece on-site, modular homes are pre-built in sections and assembled at the location.
– Customization: High level of customization is possible, including floor plans, materials, and finishes.

In the search for a new home, you might come across terms like “modular,” “stick-built,” and “prefabricated.” But what do they all mean, and why does it matter to you? Let’s cut through the jargon. If you are looking for a quality, customizable home that is both time and cost-efficient, then a custom modular home could be your answer.

Built in a factory setting to precise standards, modular homes are transported to your land and professionally assembled, offering a faster, often more affordable alternative to traditional stick-built homes without sacrificing quality. These homes are real houses, designed to be permanently anchored to a foundation just like any site-built home. They are subject to the same codes and regulations, ensuring they are just as safe and durable. Plus, the controlled environment of a factory means less material waste and no weather delays, making modular homes a smarter way to build.

So, if customization, quality, and efficiency are key to your home-building goals, stepping into custom modular homes may be your next best move.

Infographic description: The construction process of custom modular homes begins with design and customization, whereby the homeowner selects the layout, materials, and features. Next, these sections are built in a climate-controlled factory setting, ensuring quality control and reducing waste. The third step involves transporting these modules to the home site. Lastly, professionals assemble these modules on a pre-prepared foundation, followed by final touches and utility connections, culminating in a move-in-ready custom home. - what is a custom modular home infographic process-5-steps-informal

Understanding Custom Modular Homes

When we talk about custom modular homes, we’re diving into a world where efficiency meets personalization. Let’s break down the basics and clear up any confusion.


A custom modular home is a house built in segments or modules in a factory setting. Imagine building a house like you would a set of LEGOs, but instead of tiny plastic bricks, you’re using large sections that form rooms or parts of a house. These sections are then transported to a building site, where they’re pieced together to create a fully functional home.


The term “prefabricated” might sound complex, but it simply means that parts of the home are made before they’re needed. It’s like making a batch of cookies and freezing some dough for later. With modular homes, sections are built ahead of time in a controlled environment, ensuring that weather doesn’t slow down the construction process.

Off-site Construction

Building a home off-site has its perks. Picture a large, indoor space where weather can’t cause delays, materials are readily available, and workers are experts at assembling homes quickly and efficiently. This is the setting where the modules of your custom home are created. It’s a bit like a workshop, but for building houses.

Assembly on-site

Once the modules are ready, they embark on a journey to their final destination – your property. Here, a team of builders takes these puzzle pieces and puts them together on a pre-prepared foundation. It’s not just about stacking blocks; it involves precision and skill to ensure everything aligns perfectly, creating a sturdy and aesthetically pleasing home.

assembling modular home on-site - what is a custom modular home

What is a custom modular home? It’s a home built with your needs in mind, constructed in a way that saves time, reduces waste, and often costs less than traditional building methods. It combines the efficiency of factory production with the personal touch of custom home design, offering a unique solution for those looking to build their dream home.

Moving forward, we’ll explore the key features that set custom modular homes apart, highlighting why they might just be the perfect choice for your next home-building project.

Key Features of Custom Modular Homes

When we dive into what is a custom modular home, we uncover a world of efficiency, compliance, and innovation. Let’s break down these key features to understand why custom modular homes are gaining popularity.

Energy Efficiency

Custom modular homes stand out for their energy efficiency. Built with the latest in green technology, these homes often include solar panels, LED lighting, and high-quality insulation. This not only reduces your carbon footprint but also slashes your energy bills, making it a win-win for homeowners and the environment.

Building Codes and Compliance

One of the most critical aspects of custom modular homes is their adherence to building codes. Unlike traditional homes that are built on-site, modular homes are constructed in a factory setting. This means they must comply with strict local, state, and regional building codes before they even reach your property. This rigorous process ensures that your home is safe, durable, and built to last.

Factory Construction

Factory construction is what sets custom modular homes apart. Imagine a home being built in a controlled, weather-proof environment, free from the delays that plague traditional construction sites like bad weather or missing materials. This method not only speeds up the construction process but also improves the overall quality of the build.

Climate-Controlled Environment

Building in a climate-controlled environment has its perks. It means every aspect of the construction process is monitored closely, resulting in precise workmanship. This controlled setting prevents moisture from seeping into materials, a common issue in traditional builds that can lead to mold and structural damage.

Local, State, Regional Compliance

Compliance with local, state, and regional regulations is non-negotiable for custom modular homes. This ensures that your home meets all necessary standards for safety, energy efficiency, and sustainability, no matter where you plan to build. It’s a level of scrutiny that provides homeowners with peace of mind, knowing their investment is sound and secure.

In conclusion, custom modular homes offer a blend of efficiency, precision, and compliance that traditional builds can struggle to match. From the energy savings to the meticulous construction process, these homes are designed to meet the homeowner’s needs while respecting the planet. Consider how the innovative approach of companies like Shorten Homes, with their commitment to customer satisfaction and quality craftsmanship, could make your dream home a reality.

Next, we’ll delve into the pros and cons of choosing a custom modular home, ensuring you have all the information you need to make an informed decision.

Pros and Cons of Custom Modular Homes

When considering a custom modular home, it’s important to weigh both the advantages and disadvantages. These homes offer unique benefits but also come with certain limitations. Let’s dive into the details.


Energy Efficiency: One of the standout features of custom modular homes is their energy efficiency. These homes are built with modern materials and techniques that ensure they are well insulated and airtight, reducing heating and cooling costs.

Quick Construction: The construction of a custom modular home is significantly faster than traditional stick-built homes. Since they are built in a factory setting, weather delays are non-existent, and the overall building process is streamlined.

Cost-Effective: Modular homes can be more cost-effective than their traditional counterparts. The efficiency of the building process and reduced waste contribute to lower overall costs.

Customizable: A common misconception is that modular homes are cookie-cutter in design. However, they are highly customizable, allowing for various floor plans, materials, and finishes to suit your tastes and needs.

Appreciation Value: Like traditional homes, custom modular homes can appreciate in value over time. This makes them a sound investment for the future.


Land Zoning: Finding the right piece of land can be challenging. Some areas have strict zoning laws that do not permit modular homes, which can limit where you can build.

Limited Floor Plans: While customization options are available, there may be limitations compared to building a home from scratch. Some builders offer a set number of floor plans and customization options.

Perceived Quality: There’s a lingering perception that modular homes are of lower quality than traditional homes. This is largely a myth, as modern modular homes must adhere to the same building codes and standards as site-built homes.

Loan Process: Financing a modular home can sometimes be more complicated than financing a traditional home. Not all lenders are familiar with the modular home process, which can lead to misunderstandings or delays.

In conclusion, custom modular homes present a viable option for many homebuyers, offering benefits like energy efficiency, speed of construction, and cost savings. However, potential challenges such as land zoning restrictions and financing should be carefully considered. The innovative approach of companies like Shorten Homes, with their commitment to customer satisfaction and quality craftsmanship, could make your dream home a reality.

Next, we’ll explore the customization options available for modular homes, helping you understand how you can tailor a modular home to meet your exact needs and preferences.

Customization Options for Modular Homes

When you hear “modular home,” you might think of a one-size-fits-all box. But that’s far from the truth. Let’s dive into customization for modular homes, breaking down how you can make a modular home uniquely yours.

Floor Plans

Imagine a home that fits your lifestyle perfectly. With modular homes, you start with a variety of floor plans. But it doesn’t stop there. You can tweak and adjust these plans. Want a bigger kitchen? Done. Need an office space? You got it. The flexibility here is a big win.


Your home should reflect your style, right down to the materials. Modular homes offer a wide range of materials for both the interior and exterior. From the type of wood used in your cabinets to the siding on your home’s exterior, you have choices. And these aren’t just any materials. They’re high-quality options designed to last.

Energy Efficiency

Here’s something cool: modular homes can be super energy-efficient. This is a big deal because it means lower utility bills and a happier planet. You can opt for high-efficiency heating and cooling systems, top-notch insulation, and even solar panels. It’s all about making your home comfortable for you and good for the environment.

Room Rearrangement

What if you buy a two-bedroom home but later decide you need another room? No problem. Modular homes are designed with future changes in mind. Adding a room or rearranging the layout is much simpler than with traditional homes. It’s like having a home that grows and changes with you.


Last but not least, upgrades. This is where you can really have fun. Think bigger closets, luxury bathroom fixtures, or smart home technology. If you can dream it, chances are, it can be done. The beauty of modular homes is that these upgrades can be planned from the start, making the process smoother and often more cost-effective.

In summary, the customization options for modular homes are vast and varied. From the floor plan to the finishing touches, you can make a modular home that’s as unique as you are. And with companies like Shorten Homes at the helm, known for their commitment to quality and customer satisfaction, you’re in good hands.

Next, we’ll take a closer look at the construction process of a custom modular home, giving you insight into how your dream home comes to life, step by step.

The Construction Process of a Custom Modular Home

When you decide on a custom modular home, you’re not just buying a property; you’re embarking on a journey of creating your dream space. The process, while intricate, is streamlined for efficiency and quality. Here’s how it unfolds:

Factory Construction

The journey begins in a climate-controlled factory. Here, your home starts to take shape away from the unpredictability of weather and delays. Skilled professionals work with precision, using advanced technology and systems. This stage ensures that every part of your home, from the walls to the roof, is built to exact standards. It’s like putting together a giant puzzle, but with materials like wood and steel instead of cardboard pieces.


Once your home’s sections, or modules, are complete, they’re ready for the road. These modules are carefully loaded onto special flatbed trucks. It’s a sight to see: parts of a house cruising down the highway! But don’t worry, these modules are designed to withstand the journey, ensuring they arrive at your site in perfect condition.

On-site Assembly

This is where the magic happens. Your home’s modules are lifted by cranes and placed on a pre-prepared foundation. Think of it as a highly coordinated dance, with each module fitting precisely into its designated spot. This step transforms separate sections into a unified structure – your future home.

Inspection and Approval

Quality and compliance are non-negotiable. That’s why, even after meticulous factory inspections, your home undergoes further checks on-site. Local inspectors ensure everything is up to code, from the structure to the electrical work. It’s all about making sure your home is safe, sound, and ready for you.


One of the biggest advantages of a custom modular home is the speed of construction. From the start of factory construction to the moment you’re handed the keys, the process can be significantly quicker than traditional building methods. While timelines vary, many homeowners move into their new modular home within a few months. Weather delays? Less likely to affect your build timeline, thanks to the indoor start.

In summary, the construction process of a custom modular home is a blend of modern efficiency, traditional craftsmanship, and a touch of logistical magic. It’s a path that leads to a home built to your specifications, often more quickly and cost-effectively than you might expect.

Next, we’ll dive into why choosing the right builder, like Shorten Homes, is crucial to turning your dream home into a reality.

Choosing the Right Modular Home Builder

When you’re on the journey to create your dream home, the choice of builder can make all the difference. Here’s why Shorten Homes stands out as the ideal partner for your custom modular home project:

Shorten Homes: A Legacy of Excellence

Shorten Homes has been in the business for over 46 years, bringing dreams to life with a commitment to quality and customer satisfaction. Founded in 1977, this family-owned business has built more than 5,000 homes, each a testament to their dedication to excellence.

Unwavering Customer Satisfaction

At the heart of Shorten Homes is an unwavering commitment to customer satisfaction. From the initial consultation to the final walkthrough, their team ensures that every step of the home-building process is seamless, transparent, and tailored to meet your needs.

Quality Craftsmanship

Shorten Homes is synonymous with quality craftsmanship. Each home is constructed with precision in state-of-the-art indoor factories, ensuring that every detail aligns with the company’s high standards and your expectations.

10-Year Protection Plan

Peace of mind is part of the package. Shorten Homes offers a 10-year protection plan, covering major structural defects. It’s a level of assurance that goes beyond what many other builders offer, reflecting their confidence in the quality of their homes.

Superior Walls® Foundations

Innovation meets durability with Superior Walls® foundations. These pre-cast, fully insulated walls are installed on-site in less than a day, offering unmatched quality and efficiency. It’s a foundation you can trust to support your home for generations.

The Turnkey Experience

Shorten Homes provides a turnkey experience, handling everything from design to construction, and even the permits. This approach not only saves you time and stress but also ensures that your home is ready for move-in much sooner than you might expect.

Making the Right Choice

Choosing the right builder is about more than just craftsmanship; it’s about trust, reliability, and a shared vision for your future home. With Shorten Homes, you’re not just building a house; you’re crafting a legacy. Their track record of customer satisfaction, combined with their innovative building practices and comprehensive warranty, makes them a standout choice for anyone considering a custom modular home.

Keep these factors in mind. The right builder will not only meet your expectations but exceed them, turning the process of building your dream home into an unforgettable experience.

In the next section, we’ll tackle some of the most frequently asked questions about custom modular homes, shedding light on common concerns and highlighting the benefits of this innovative approach to home construction.

Frequently Asked Questions about Custom Modular Homes

When diving into custom modular homes, it’s natural to have questions. Let’s clear up some common queries to help you understand exactly what a custom modular home offers.

What is the difference between a modular home and a manufactured home?

The key difference lies in how they’re built and where they’re meant to stay. Modular homes are constructed in pieces in a factory setting. These pieces, or modules, are then transported to a permanent site and assembled on a fixed foundation. They must meet the same local, state, and regional building codes as traditional homes.

On the other hand, manufactured homes (formerly known as mobile homes) are also built in factories but are placed on a chassis with wheels. They are designed to be movable and must adhere to federal HUD standards, rather than local building codes. Manufactured homes are often seen in parks or leased land.

Can modular homes be customized?

Absolutely! Customization is one of the biggest advantages of modular homes. Unlike the common misconception, going modular doesn’t mean you’re stuck with a handful of cookie-cutter designs. From the floor plan to the finishes, you can tailor nearly every aspect of your home. Whether you dream of a cozy, energy-efficient space or a sprawling estate with high-end finishes, modular construction can turn your vision into reality. Companies like Shorten Homes specialize in bringing these custom dreams to life, offering a range of options to suit your style and needs.

How long does it take to build a custom modular home?

One of the most appealing aspects of modular homes is their quick build time. Since the modules are constructed in a controlled factory environment, there are no weather delays. Typically, it takes about four to eight weeks for the factory construction phase. Once the modules reach your site, the assembly process can be surprisingly swift, with the total time from start to finish often being significantly less than traditional construction methods.

In summary, custom modular homes offer a unique blend of customization, efficiency, and quality. They stand apart from manufactured homes in both construction and permanence, provide vast customization options, and can be built in a fraction of the time it takes to construct a traditional home. With companies like Shorten Homes leading the way, the dream of owning a custom home is more accessible and appealing than ever.


When we talk about what is a custom modular home, it’s clear that these aren’t just buildings; they’re investments in your future. The journey towards owning a custom modular home is filled with choices that reflect your personal style and meet your unique needs. Let’s break down why choosing a custom modular home might be the smartest investment you’ll make.

Investment Potential

Custom modular homes are not just spaces where memories are made; they are also smart financial investments. Unlike their counterpart, manufactured homes, custom modular homes appreciate in value over time. This means that when you decide to sell, you’re likely to see a return on your investment. This appreciation is due to the quality of construction, modern design, and energy efficiency features that come standard with these homes.

Resale Value

Thanks to the durable construction and the ability to customize floor plans and finishes, custom modular homes maintain their allure in the housing market. When it’s time to sell, a well-maintained modular home can attract a broad audience, from first-time homebuyers to downsizers, all looking for a piece of that modular charm.

Ideal Locations

Finding the perfect spot for your modular home is crucial. Ideal locations are those that not only allow for modular construction but also complement your lifestyle. Whether it’s a serene countryside for those seeking peace and quiet or a bustling suburb close to schools and work, the flexibility of modular homes means you can place your dream home almost anywhere. And with the help of a knowledgeable builder like Shorten Homes, navigating zoning laws becomes a breeze.

Shorten Homes

At Shorten Homes, we understand the importance of making your dream home a reality. Our commitment to quality craftsmanship, customer satisfaction, and a seamless turnkey experience sets us apart. With over 46 years in the business, we’ve mastered the art of creating beautiful, energy-efficient, and durable custom modular homes that stand the test of time. Our 10-year warranty and exclusive use of Superior Walls® foundations ensure that your investment is protected for years to come.

Choosing a custom modular home means investing in a future that is as bright as it is secure. With Shorten Homes, you’re not just buying a house; you’re creating a home that will grow with you, offering lasting value and endless possibilities. Let us help you make the smart choice for your future today.

The journey to your dream home starts with understanding what is a custom modular home and ends with the keys to a custom, quality-built residence in your hands. Welcome home.