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Scranton, PA 18508


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Making your home energy-efficient is not just an option; it’s a necessity. Energy efficient home improvements are crucial for anyone looking to save on energy costs, enhance the comfort of their living space, and increase the market value of their home. Whether you’re in PA, NY, NJ, or beyond, these upgrades can make a significant difference.

First off, energy efficiency can lead to substantial savings on your utility bills. By reducing the amount of energy your home consumes, you’re not only saving money but also contributing to a healthier planet. Next, comfort is key. A well-insulated home with efficient heating and cooling systems provides a comfortable living environment year-round, regardless of the weather outside. Finally, the market value of your home can see a noticeable increase. Homes with energy-efficient upgrades are more attractive to buyers, meaning your investments now could pay off handsomely should you decide to sell.

It’s straightforward: to make your home energy-efficient, consider upgrades like insulation, efficient heating and cooling systems, and smart thermostats. Not only do these improvements offer immediate benefits in terms of reduced energy bills and increased comfort, but they also make your home more attractive on the market.

An infographic detailing the top energy-efficient home improvements: 1. Attic Insulation (ROI: up to 116%), 2. High-Efficiency HVAC System (ROI: varies by system, but significant utility bill reductions), 3. Smart Thermostat (Average savings of 10-12% on heating and 15% on cooling), 4. Solar Panels (Increases home value by 4.1% on average and offers significant long-term savings), 5. Energy-Efficient Windows (Can save up to $500 annually in heating and cooling costs). Each improvement is coupled with an icon representing the upgrade, statistics on potential savings or ROI, and a brief description on how it contributes to energy efficiency. - energy efficient home improvements infographic pillar-5-steps

These steps will set you on the right path to a more energy-efficient, comfortable, and valuable home.

Understanding Energy Efficient Home Improvements

When we talk about making your home more energy-efficient, three big words come up: Tax credits, Rebates, and Incentives. Let’s break these down into simple bits so you can see how they can help you save money and make smart upgrades to your home.

Tax Credits

Imagine the government saying, “Hey, thanks for helping us save energy. Here’s some money back on your taxes.” That’s essentially what a tax credit does. Starting in 2023, the Inflation Reduction Act has expanded these credits significantly. Now, you can get back up to $1,200 each year for making certain energy-efficient improvements to your home, like installing new windows or a heat pump. And for big upgrades like solar panels, you might get up to $2,000 back. The best part? These aren’t one-time offers. You can take advantage of these credits each year through 2032.


Rebates are like instant discounts. Buy an energy-efficient fridge, and you might get money back right away. These can come from manufacturers, local governments, or utility companies. Unlike tax credits, rebates lower your purchase price immediately. So, if you’re eyeing that shiny, new, energy-saving appliance, check if there’s a rebate that makes it cheaper upfront.


Incentives are extra perks to nudge you towards making energy-efficient choices. These could be state-specific tax breaks, lower loan rates for green home improvements, or even direct payouts from utility companies for installing renewable energy systems. The goal here is to make it more attractive for you to invest in energy savings now.

Why This Matters

  • Save Money: Upfront costs for energy-efficient upgrades can be high. Tax credits, rebates, and incentives help lower these costs, making it easier for you to improve your home without breaking the bank.
  • Increase Home Value: Energy-efficient homes are in demand. Making these upgrades not only saves you money on bills but could also increase your home’s market value.
  • Help the Environment: By reducing energy use, you’re also cutting down on greenhouse gas emissions. It’s a win-win for your wallet and the planet.

Getting Started

  1. Check Your Eligibility: Not all improvements qualify for the same benefits. Look up which upgrades are covered under current tax credits and rebates.
  2. Plan Your Upgrades: Decide which energy-efficient improvements make the most sense for your home and budget.
  3. Keep Records: Save receipts and product information. You’ll need them to claim your tax credits or rebates.

Remember, making your home more energy-efficient isn’t just about spending money. It’s an investment that pays off in lower energy bills, a more comfortable living space, and a healthier planet. And with the help of tax credits, rebates, and incentives, it’s an investment that’s more accessible than ever.

Ready to dive deeper into specific upgrades? Let’s explore Insulation and Air Sealing, the first big step towards a snugger, more energy-efficient home.

Key Energy Efficient Upgrades for Your Home

Making your home more energy efficient is a smart move. Not only does it save you money on your utility bills, but it also makes your home more comfortable and increases its value. Here’s a look at some key upgrades that can make a big difference.

Insulation and Air Sealing

Attic Insulation: This is a game changer for keeping your home’s temperature stable. By adding or updating insulation in your attic, you’re putting a cap on your home that helps hold in the heat during winter and keeps out the heat during summer.

Professional Air Sealing: Tiny cracks and openings might seem harmless, but they can be big energy wasters. Getting a professional to seal these leaks can dramatically reduce your energy bills. It’s like putting a sweater on your home!

Energy Star: Look for products with the Energy Star label. This label means they meet strict efficiency guidelines set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

Heating and Cooling Upgrades

Heat Pumps: These are a super efficient way to heat and cool your home. They work by moving heat in or out of your home, depending on the season.

Biomass Stoves: If you’re looking for a renewable way to heat your home, consider a biomass stove. These stoves burn organic materials like wood pellets, corn, or even cherry pits.

Electric Air-Source Heat Pump: A specific type of heat pump that’s great for climates with mild winters. It pulls heat from the outside air to warm your home and can reverse the process to cool it during summer.

Water Heating Solutions

Heat Pump Water Heaters: These are up to three times more energy efficient than traditional electric water heaters. They work by pulling heat from the surrounding air to heat the water.

Solar Water Heaters: If you have a sunny spot on your property, a solar water heater could be a great investment. They use the sun’s energy to heat your water, which can significantly reduce your energy bills.

High Efficiency: Regardless of the type, opting for a high-efficiency water heater can lead to substantial savings over time.

Windows and Doors for Energy Efficiency

Energy Star Certified: Just like with appliances, choosing windows and doors that are Energy Star certified can lead to big energy savings.

Storm Windows: Adding storm windows can improve the efficiency of your existing windows by reducing drafts and heat loss.

Low-e Glass Coatings: These special coatings on windows can help keep heat inside during the winter and outside during the summer, improving the comfort of your home and reducing energy bills.

Smart Home Technologies

Smart Thermostats: These devices can learn your schedule and adjust your home’s temperature accordingly, ensuring you’re not heating or cooling an empty house.

LED Lightbulbs: Switching to LED lightbulbs is a simple and cost-effective way to reduce your home’s energy consumption. They use less power and last much longer than traditional bulbs.

Electric Ready Homes: Preparing your home for the future of electric appliances and possibly an electric vehicle (EV) charger can make your home more efficient and ready for the clean energy transition.

By focusing on these key areas, you can make significant strides in improving your home’s energy efficiency. Whether you’re upgrading your insulation, switching to a heat pump, or installing smart home technologies, each step brings you closer to a more comfortable, sustainable, and valuable home. These improvements not only benefit you today but also add appeal and value if you decide to sell your home in the future.

Maximizing Savings with Energy Efficient Home Improvements

To truly capitalize on the benefits of energy-efficient home improvements, it’s vital to understand the most effective ways to reduce your energy usage and enhance your home’s performance. Here’s how you can maximize your savings:

Home Energy Audits

A home energy audit is your first step towards a more energy-efficient home. Think of it as a doctor’s checkup for your house. During an audit, a professional will inspect your home to identify where it’s losing energy and what you can do to save money on your energy bills. They’ll look at insulation levels, check for leaks, inspect your HVAC system, and more. This comprehensive assessment provides a roadmap to prioritize improvements.

According to the research above, investing in a home energy audit can even qualify for a tax credit, making it a financially savvy move.

DIY vs Professional Installation

When it comes to energy-efficient upgrades, the question often arises: should you DIY or hire a professional? Here’s a simple guide:

  • DIY: Simple improvements like sealing leaks around doors and windows, installing weather stripping, and adding insulation in accessible places can be done on your own. These small changes can lead to significant savings on your energy bills.

  • Professional Installation: For more complex upgrades such as installing a heat pump, solar panels, or a new HVAC system, professional installation ensures that the job is done correctly and safely. Professionals can also help you maximize the effectiveness of your upgrades, ensuring you get the highest possible return on your investment.

Monitoring Energy Usage

Finally, keeping an eye on your energy usage is crucial. Smart thermostats and home energy monitors can provide real-time insights into how much energy you’re using and when. By understanding your energy consumption patterns, you can make adjustments to save even more. For example, setting your smart thermostat to lower the temperature when you’re not home can reduce heating costs.

Smart technologies not only make your home more energy-efficient but also add a layer of convenience to managing your home’s energy usage. They allow you to monitor and control your energy consumption from your smartphone, giving you the power to adjust settings on the go.

By conducting a home energy audit, deciding between DIY and professional installation wisely, and monitoring your energy usage, you can maximize your savings and enhance the comfort of your home. These steps not only lead to immediate reductions in energy bills but also contribute to the long-term value and sustainability of your property.

Frequently Asked Questions about Energy Efficient Home Improvements

What energy-efficient items are tax deductible?

Electric Heat Pumps and Biomass Stoves are top on the list of energy-efficient items that can earn you tax credits. These upgrades are not just good for the environment; they’re also good for your wallet. By installing these, you can reduce your energy bills and get some money back in tax deductions.

What is the energy-efficient home improvement credit limit?

When you invest in qualifying energy-efficient home improvements, you can claim a credit of 30% of eligible expenses, up to a maximum of $3,200. This means if you spend on installations like heat pumps or biomass stoves, you can get a significant portion of that investment back as a tax credit. The cost of installation counts towards this credit, making it even more beneficial.

What makes a house more energy-efficient?

Making your house more energy-efficient isn’t just about one big change; it’s about several strategic upgrades. Energy Star products are a great starting point. These products meet strict efficiency guidelines set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Storm windows and insulation are also key upgrades. Storm windows can reduce air leakage and improve comfort, while proper insulation keeps your home’s temperature steady, reducing the need for heating and cooling. Together, these upgrades can significantly reduce your energy bills and make your home more comfortable year-round.

By focusing on these areas—electric heat pumps, biomass stoves, leveraging tax credits, and installing Energy Star products, storm windows, and proper insulation—you can significantly enhance your home’s energy efficiency. This not only makes your home more comfortable but also contributes to a healthier planet and lowers your energy costs.


Making your home more energy-efficient is a smart move, both for the environment and your wallet. At Shorten Homes, we understand the importance of energy efficiency and are committed to providing solutions that meet these needs. Our approach combines the latest in energy-efficient technology with the convenience and assurance of a turnkey experience.

Turnkey Experience

We believe in making the journey towards a more energy-efficient home as seamless as possible. From the initial design to the final touches, our team handles every aspect of your home’s construction. This means you don’t have to juggle multiple contractors or worry about coordinating different stages of the project. Our experts ensure that every component, from insulation to heating systems, meets the highest standards of energy efficiency.

Superior Walls® Foundations

A key feature of our homes is the use of Superior Walls® for the foundation. These pre-cast, insulated wall panels are not only quick to install but also provide superior insulation compared to traditional foundation methods. This contributes significantly to the overall energy efficiency of your home, reducing heat loss and making it easier to maintain a comfortable temperature indoors.

Superior Walls® Foundations - energy efficient home improvements

Our commitment to energy efficiency extends beyond just the products we use. We design our homes to take advantage of natural light, reducing the need for artificial lighting, and carefully select appliances that offer the best in energy savings without sacrificing performance.

By choosing Shorten Homes, you’re not just getting a house; you’re getting a home designed with your comfort and the planet’s well-being in mind. With our energy-efficient home improvements, you can enjoy lower energy bills, a more comfortable living environment, and the peace of mind that comes from knowing you’re making a difference.

Discover how you can start your journey towards a more energy-efficient home with Shorten Homes. Learn more about our services and how we can help you achieve your dream home.

Together, let’s build a future where every home is a beacon of efficiency and comfort.